How to move in varicose veins veins in the legs?

With the right choice of food products in quam varicose expansion of veins of the lower limbs may be different, delicious and interesting.

Nutrition in quam varicose veins must be : Nutrition in varicose veins</1_img>
  1. Quite nutritious. The lack of essential substances reduces the immune system, the body can not effectively resist disease.
  2. humilis calorie. Excess weight exacerbates the problem, the load, and without deformed blood vessels in particular is growing, quam varicose veins will become more clear.
  3. Rich in vitamins and antioxidants. When quam varicose veins in the legs, especially vitamin c, contributes to the liquefaction of the blood and preventing thrombosis.
  4. Easily trahet. Daily diet diet in quam varicose veins in the legs, divided into small sections. The food should take 4-5 times a day, this will not feel hunger, the food will be fine digestum.

You should avoid the products, capable to cause the development of quam varicose veins. During the period of the outbreaks will be excluded in full , during the recession may cause small concessions. Should of consumption, consumption of 1.5 liters per day. The excessive amount of water can cause swelling and lack of blood is very viscous.

A very important moment diet in quam varicose veins of the lower limbs – reducing the amount of salt and sugar. Instead of these diet diversity spices: dry and fresh spicy herbs (parsley, celery, dill, basil, cumin, rosemary, coriander).

To improve the taste of desserts will help natural vanilla and cinnamon, and fresh lemon juice or orange juice. To avoid swelling and deformation of the veins, the food should at the latest 4 hours before bedtime . During the acute feeling of hunger, you can drink a cup of yogurt or yogurt without additives, to eat a piece of boiled chicken or a little cheese. Such a feeding system in quam varicose expansion of veins of the lower limbs, it will not increase the total caloric your diet, but will significantly improve the health of the patient.

To improve the condition of the patient will help you the following products : As you can see, the diet during quam varicose veins and disease of the blood vessels can be very rich and delicious. That didn't exist when quam varicose veins it? In the list of prohibited products included the food, which contains excessive amount of cholesterol, salt, preservatives, colorings, sweeteners, and other unnecessary supplements. Nutrition in quam varices excludes fast-food, industrial pastries and other products with a high content of fat and sugar. milk</2_img> From the menu completely displayed :

In the terms allowed by quam varicose veins products include mushrooms, eggs, skim milk. When exacerbations deserve to eliminate, but it is in a recession, you can return to your diet, following the moderation. Nutrition in quam varicose veins allows for a small amount of bread dough and muffin with low sugar and fat.

Not to break with the diet, it is important to make it as versatile.

quam varicose veins are often accompanied by strong edema. To get rid of these will help fasting days. These appear and overweight or a problem with digestion.

Within 2-3 days it is recommended to consume only fresh juices of vegetables and fruit . Containing a full range of necessary macro - and trace elements that contribute to the elimination of fluids, stimulate defenses of the body. Option recens baca suco depends on the preferences of the patient and the condition of the gastrointestinal tract.

For example, the increase of acidity is not necessary to use the citrus fruits, it is best to cook the juices from pears, apples sweet varieties, pumpkin, cucumber, celery, carrot, beet.

sucus Lorem when quam varicose veins don't match the people, prone to diarrhea , and here for patients, suffering from constipation and flatulence, will help a lot.

Accelerate the kidnapping of excess fluid is able a herbal decoction, which they drink as a normal tea. Easy to diuretic action are the leaves of currants, raspberries and брусники, fresh or frozen blackberries, rosehip and hawthorn. A handful of raw materials, pour 1 liter of boiling water, heat for a few minutes and insist under the lid. The broth 0.5 cup in the morning and before going to bed.


Nutrition in quam varicose expansion of veins can be different and delicious . With the right choice for dishes treatment is carried out with great success. Selected diet must adhere to, not just when the exacerbations, but during the recession, as well as after a full recovery.


To choose activities in quam varicose enlargement of the veins in the legs, you need to taking into consideration the current stage of the disease. In the late stages of quam varicose veins, and even mild exercise, such as conventional squats an average rate, can cause complications and worsening of the patient's health. In the 1 stage can deal with any sport, apart from lifting a heavy weight.

How to choose a safe sport?

To sports in quam varicose veins brought good than harm, you should familiarize yourself with the potential harm and the potential benefit from the course. You will need to select the type of exercise, in which a minimum risk of complications and a maximum amount of use. quam varicose veins varicose veins are almost never found isolated. After a period of time from the onset of the disease manifest related disorders:

  • phlebitis;
  • thrombosis and/or embolus is?
  • tightening veins?
  • the aneurysm.

Phlebitis is an inflammation of the wall of the vein caused by the pathological changes, the stagnation of the blood, reduce the tone of blood vessels.

The aneurysm is curves that acquires a blood vessel under the effect of the blood pressure. They look like oblongum area in the wall. When we get out of pressure, for example during sit-ups or running, the aneurysm can break. When you do this, the blood is released to the surrounding tissue, formed subcutaneous or intramuscular hematoma. Around the last can be easily formed inflammatory process with the formation of ulcers.

Tiny spider veins facing all those who are sick quam varicose veins long enough, it is the rupture of the capillaries. Not to get into a series of unpleasant symptoms, you need to choose a load with reflection. Another dangerous complication, which can cause sports in quam varicose veins. emboli are free to travel through the circulatory system pieces of coagulated blood.

Blood clot or embolus can cause occlusion of a vein, if you remain in a difficult position. In this case occurs phlebitis, inflammation of the wall of the vein. The risk of occlusion of the vessel is that the blood is still looking for ways to get out of soft tissue and return to the heart. Therefore, the load on these vessels, which are not clogged, a lot of times increases.

Increased pressure promotes the formation of new aneurysms. This vicious circle can come out, if you start to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, using appropriate selected sports activities. Action series, which will help you to make the best decision:

  • visit флеболога, service technician undesired operation of the blood vessels;
  • to ask the doctor, what stage is quam varicose veins it?
  • follow the doctor's recommendations with the amendment to your health.

Sometimes the body responds to increased physical activity that is not so, as provided by the expert. Some patients return very quickly, the wall of these vessels are strengthened, there is a steady progress on the road to recovery.

Other patients the changes happen slowly, in a very painful lessons appear complications. It happens that the intense workout lead quam varicose veins are a more serious stage. Listen to your emotions you need to, to, when necessary, to make the lesson more easy. The doctor can around the clock to maintain the patient, but to watch флеболога should be not less than 1 times the time. With what symptoms should consult a doctor immediately:

  • aid of cardiovascular pain, a strong feeling of burning, aching pain in the feet?
  • extensive edema?
  • cyanosis (Livor) the tips of your fingers?
  • numbness, loss of reactions, skin temperature and tactile stimuli;
  • bleeding which you may notice with the naked eye.

It is important not to forget that without the timely medical help occlusion of a vessel causes death of the surrounding tissues. Deprivation of oxygen, excess of carbon dioxide and of toxic substances, lack of feed, leading to cell death. Occurs inflammation, necrosis, and then decomposition products are transported through the circulatory system, causing poisoning and sepsis.


In severe cases, the limb should be amputabo due to gangrene. Therefore, you should carefully monitor the situation. The right choice physical exercise brings a positive result:

  • the muscles of the legs are strengthened you?
  • the blood supply is normal?
  • the walls of the vessels become more flexible, responsive and healthy?
  • quam varicose veins enters the most easy stage, the patient is actively moving towards recovery.

Without consultation флеболога to get the best running workouts will be difficult. Therefore, we must pass the inspection by a specialist.